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Whitewater outfitter/dealer address list

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            Whitewater outfitter/dealer address list
    From: (Rich Kulawiec)
    Subject: Whitewater outfitter/dealer address list
    Date: 29 Jul 1997 08:16:45 GMT
    Expires: 11 Sep 1997 08:15:25 GMT
    X-Last-Updated: 1997/01/20
    Archive-name: whitewater-addr
    Version: $Header: ww.addr,v 1.23 1997/01/20 17:53:44 rsk Exp $
    Copyright 1997 by Rich Kulawiec.
    Here's the latest version of the whitewater address list.
    Many folks have suggested adding Internet addresses/URLs
    (where known) for the various dealers and vendors, so if you
    have them, please send them along.  I'm especially interested
    in contact points for paddling clubs and whitewater racing events.
    	I receive an average of hundreds of mail messages per day.  If you
    	want to make sure that your update/correction/reply to this
    	article comes to my attention when I'm working on the next
    	version, please send your message as a reply to this article,
    	i.e. make absolutely certain that you preserve the "Subject:"
    	line.  If you don't do this, your reply may sit in one of my
    	numerous mail queues for months or even years.
    	Please don't send an update more than once -- doing so only
    	adds to the queue that I have to process when doing updates.
    	If you want to make certain that I've received something, then
    	make a note of the information on the "Version:" line above.
    	If it has changed when you next see this article, and your
    	information isn't included, then I've missed it.  Otherwise,
    	it's safe to presume I've got it and it queued for inclusion.
    	The FAQ may be reproduced and propagated via http, ftp, gopher
    	or other common Internet protocols by anyone provided that (1)
    	it is reproduced in its entirety (2) no fee is charged for access
    	to it and (3) it's kept up-to-date.  This latter is probably best
    	accomplished by mirroring one of the FAQ archives -- that way
    	you'll get a new copy everytime I update it, which is
    	approximately monthly.   (If you do put it up on the web, I'd
    	like to know the URL, but that's not a requirement.  It just
    	would be nice.)
    	Reproduction of this FAQ on paper, CDROM or other media which
    	are sold is permissible only with the express written consent
    	of its author.
    	If you are reading a copy of this document which appears to be
    	out-of-date, there are a variety of methods that you can use to
    	retrieve the most current method.  If you are familiar with access
    	to the FAQ archives via mail, ftp, and www, then you already know how.
    	If not, then send email to with the command
    	"send usenet/news.answers/news-answers/introduction" in the message,
    	and a complete guide to FAQ retrieval will be mailed to you.
    Credits and salutations for typing in this stuff should go to: (Michael Wise) (Andy HELD) (William Daul) (Dave Brennan) (Clark B. Wierda)
    cdaf (Charles Daffinger) (Chris Webster)
    cphilpot@esunix.UUCP (Cathy Philpot) (Dan Agar) (Dave Kerby) (Douglas Lucy) (Ed Travis)
    Environmental Studies School (Gordon) (David Hinz) (Jeff Blatt - Forest Service) (John Little)
    Judy Zachariesen (Lee Story) (John Libby)
    Michael Giddings 
    Mr. D. Gardner (M Wong) (Peter J. Scott) (Dave Prouty) (Rich Muller) (Bernard Rupe) (Shelby Johnson)
    Tom Menten (Tom Pohorsky) (Frank Lane) (Chris Bell) (Dennis Schultz) (Rick Ducey) (Dave Mellinger) (Owen J Gregory) (kuiken) (Dave Gilbert) (Bob Brooks) (Glenn Rose) (Blue Ridge Outfitters) (David Morin) (jack kloepfer)
    snel@tpd.TNO.NL (Rob Snel)
    rivereqp@NBN.COM (J. Pheasant-Albright) (richard.grayson) (Yerko Ivelic) (Thomas Chapmond) (Paul Hansen) (Jordan Ross) (Michael W. Wellman) (David Moffitt)
    74353.2767@CompuServe.COM (Grady) (Herman N. Kim) (Larry Laba) (James Johnson) (Roger Boutell) (Buzz Kraft) (John Kobak) (Chris Maitrejean) (Charles E. Cooper) (Billy Herring) (Michael Poliakov) (Mike Doyle) (Tom McIntire)
    ARTA River Trips
    	Star Route 73
    	Groveland, California 95351
    	(800) 323-2782
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Access to Adventure
    	P.O. Box 500
    	Lotus, California 95651
    	(916) 626-5042
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ace Whitewater
    	P.O. Box 1168
    	Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901
    	(800) SURF-WVA
    	(304) 469-3651
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Action Adventures Wet 'n' Wild
    	P.O. Box 1500
    	Woodland, California 95695
    	(916) 662-5431
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Action Whitewater Adventures
    	PO Box 1634
    	Provo Utah 84603
    	(800) 453-1482
    	Comments: outfitter - Middle Fork, Main Salmon, Grand Canyon, American, Tuolumne, Rogue
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Adirondack River Outfitters
    	Box 649
    	Old Forge, New York 13420
    	(315) 369-3536
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Adirondack Rock & River Guide Service, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 219
    	Keene, New York 12942
    	(518) 576-2041
    	Comments: outfitter, kayak school
    	Last-update: Jun 94
    Advanced Composites
    	55 W. Louise Ave
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
    	(801) 467-1204
    	Comments: lightweight paddles and oars - Filament wound graphite, carbon fiber,
    	Comments: fiberglass, kevlar ...
    	Last-update: Sep 90
    Adventure Challenge
    	8225 Oxer Road
    	Richmond, Virginia 23235
    	(804) 276-7600
    	Comments: School for Whitewater Kayak & Canoe, Sea Kayak
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Adventure Connection
    	P.O. Box 475
    	Coloma, California 95613
    	(916) 626-7385
    	Comments: Outfitters
    	Last-update: Feb 94
    Adventure River Expeditions
    	PO Box 2133
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84110
    	(801) 943-0320
    	(800) 331-3324
    	Comments: outfitters for raft/horse/mtn bike trips on Green & Colorado
    	Comments: head guy is Skip Bell
    	Last-update: Oct 92
    Adventure Schools
    	315 7th Street, S.E.
    	Washington, DC 20003
    	(202) 546-9211
    	(800) 51-KAYAK
    	Fax: (202) 546-3106
    	Comments: Whitewater School; Eric Jackson is the president
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Adventure Travel Company Team Gorky
    	40-Letiya Oktyabrya Street 1-a
    	Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 603062
    	7 (8312) 651-999
    	Fax: 7 (8312) 691-875
    	Web: ђ
    	Comments: whitewater and fishing trips in Russia, Siberia and Middle Asia
    	Last-update: Nov 96
    Alaska Rainbow Adventures
    	P.O. Box 456
    	Anchor Point, Alaska 99556
    	(907) 235-2647
    	Comments: outfitters, Alaska float fishing
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Albright, Jerry
    	226 Gilbret Drive
    	Santa Rosa, California 95405
    	(707) 523-0793
    	Comments: Russian River Slalom/Downriver
    	Comments: Truckee River Slalom/Downriver
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    All Outdoors Adventure Trips
    	2151 San Miguel Drive
    	Walnut Creek, California 94596
    	(415) 932-8993
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    American Canadian Expeditions, Ltd.
    	Box 27
    	Thurmond, West Virginia 25936
    	(304) 469-2651
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    American Canoe Association
    	Abbrev: ACA
    	7432 Alban Station Blvd.
    	Suite B-226
    	Springfield, Virginia 22150
    	(703) 451-0141
    	Comments: Jim Seymour handles some racing info
    	Last-update: Jan 95
    American Rivers
    	Washington, DC
    	(202) 547-6900
    	Comments: conservation organization
    	Last-update: Nov 94
    American Whitewater Affiliation
    	Comments: Rich Hoffman is River Access Coordinator
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    American Whitewater Tours, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 101
    	Albright, West Virginia 26519
    	(304) 329-2623
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Appalachian Wildwater
    	P.O. Box 59
    	Oak Hill, West Virginia 25901
    	(800) 624-8060
    	(304) 574-2413
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Appomattox River Company, Inc. (Bob Taylor)
    	P.O. Box 68
    	610 North Main Street
    	Farmville, Virginia 23901
    	(804) 392-6645
    	Comments: whitewater speciality company
    	Last-update: Aug 92
    Arizona Raft Adventures
    	P.O. Box 697-N
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
    	(602) 526-8200
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Arkatents USA/US Floaters
    	3856 AR 88 E
    	Mena (Ink),  Arkansas 71953
    	(501) 394-7893  call for hours & directions
    	Comments: Camping & paddlesports retailer in Ouachita River country,
    	Comments: 5 hours from DFW,  2 from Little Rock,  5 from Memphis.
    	Last-update: Sep 96
    Asmussen, Laurie
    	292 W. Meadow Drive
    	Vail, Colorado 81657
    	(303) 479-2279
    	Comments: Champion race at Vail
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    	(West) 1851 McGaw Avenue
    	Irvine, California 92714
    	(West) (714) 250-0880
    	(East) 30 Samuel Barnett Boulevard
    	New Bedford, Massachusetts 02745
    	(East) (508) 990-2700
    	Comments: raft mfgr
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Backeddy Boating/Stocking, Jerry
    	(719) 687-6280
    	Comments: Dealer - Canoes Rafts, Kayaks, etc.
    	Comments: Backeddy has gone out of business as of 8/92, but Jerry Stocking
    	Comments: still has some stuff.  You should be able to reach him at the
    	Comments: number above.  (Unfortunately, most of their stock was stolen
    	Comments: during the winter of 1993.)
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Baker, Kirk
    	P.O. Box 1520
    	Aspen, Colorado 81611
    	(303 925-6248
    	Comments: Aspen Slalom
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    Baltimore Kayak Club
    	3934 Old Columbia Park
    	Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Bark Eater Lodge
    	Alstead Mill Road
    	Keene, New York 12942
    	(518) 576-2221
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    	P.O. Box 1243
    	Jackson, Wyoming 83001
    	(307) 733-3410
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Beacon Lodge Canoe & Kayak Team
    	c/o Arcona
    	RD 1, Box 315
    	Mount Union, Pennsylvania 17066
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Beauty Mountain Whitewater Trippers, Inc.
    	General Delivery
    	Edmond, West Virginia 25837
    	(304) 574-0211
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Bellhaven Canoe
    	Green Bank, New Jersey
    	(609) 965-2205
    	Comments: Canoeing outfitter for the Delaware River
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Best in the West
    	(213) 306-0197
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Bethesda Center of Excellence
    	(301) 229-2269
    	Last-update: Jun 93
    Beyond Limits Adventures, Inc.
    	PO Box 215
    	Riverbank, California 95367
    	(209) 869-6060
    	(800) 234-RAFT (7238) reservations
    	Fax: (209) 869-4730
    	Comments: Outfitter- raft,canoe,kayak,
    	Comments: Retail- sales of kayaks and canoes
    	Comments: Instruction - on Stanislaus and South Fork American Rivers
    	Last-update: Nov 96
    Bill Dvorak's Kayaking and Rafting
    	17921 Highway 285
    	Nathrop, Colorado 81236
    	(303) 539-6851; 800-582-3624, #4111799 out of state; 800-539-6851 in CO
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Bistline, Bruce
    	P.O. Box 1442
    	Boise, Idaho 83701
    	(208) 345-3654
    	Comments: Payette Whitewater Roundup
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Blue Ridge Outfitters
    	PO Box 750, Route 340
    	Harpers Ferry, West Virginia 25425
    	(304) 725-3444
    	Web: http://www.BRORAFT.Com
    	Comments: Outfitter; rafting, canoeing, kayaking, fishing, retail.
    	Last-update: Feb 96
    Blue Ridge River Runners
    	P.O. Box 10243
    	Lynchburg, Virginia 24506
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Blue Ridge Voyagers
    	c/o Patch
    	1610 Woodmoor Lane
    	McLean, Virginia 22101
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    BoTo Kayak Locks
    	551 Blue Creek Drive
    	Dripping Springs, Texas  78620
    	(512) 894-0936
    	Comments: Inexpensive locking system for kayaks
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Bornhurst, Rebecca & Phillips, Tom
    	P.O. Box 762
    	Salida, Colorado 81201
    	(719) 539-4289, (719) 539-6193
    	Comments: Also Tom Ewing, 402 West First, Salida, CO 81201
    	Comments: Also Tom Ewing, (719) 539-3521, (719) 539-7269
    	Comments: Fibark Slalom and downriver
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Boston Chapter, Appalachian Mountain Club
    	5 Joy Street
    	Boston, MassachusettsHPCharlene Oelfke (508) 448-3646,
    	Comments: Paddling club
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Boulder Outdoor Center
    	2510 N. 47th Street
    	Boulder, Colorado 80301
    	(800) 364-9376
    	(303) 444-8420
    	Comments: Instruction, rentals, equipment
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    Bowman, Scott
    	P.O. Box 195
    	Gasquet, Califorrnia 95543
    	(707) 457-3019
    	Comments: State of Jefferson slalom/downriver
    	Last-update: Feb 93
    Boyle, Tim
    	Boyle Engineering
    	143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390
    	Vail, Colorado 81657
    	(303 476-2170
    	Comments: Wildwater races
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    Brunton, Ken
    	525 Bonnie View Court
    	Morgan Hill, California 95037
    	(408) 779-2867
    	Comments: Mokelumne River Races, Merced Slalom
    	Last-update: Jun 93
    Buck County Whitewater Club
    	c/o Curran
    	3142 Lower Mountain Road
    	Furlong, Pennsylvania 18925
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Buck Ridge Ski Club
    	c/o Thomas
    	1805 Westfield Court
    	Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Bucknell Outing Club
    	Bucknell University
    	Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    California Canoe and Kayak
    	Oakland, California
    	(510) 893-7833
    	Comments: Outfitter, rents canoes and whitewater kayaks.
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    Campbell, Bob
    	1493 CR 106
    	Carbondale, Colorado 81623
    	(303) 963-3286
    	Comments: Crystal River Races
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Cannon Paddles
    	c/o Lee's Value Right, Inc.
    	PO Box 19346
    	Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419
    	Comments: paddles
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Canoe Club of Greater Harrisburg
    	600 Kalla Drive
    	Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109
    	c/o Klaue
    	RD 1 Box 421
    	Middleburg, Pennsylvania 17842
    	Comments: Runs the Fiddler's Elbow Slalom each fall
    	Comments: John Gephart was race chair in 91
    	Last-update: Oct 91
    Canoe Cruisers Association of Washington, D.C.
    	PO Box 15747
    	Chevy Chase, Maryland 20825
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Canyon Explorations
    	PO Box 310
    	Flagstaff Arizona 86002
    	(602) 774-4559
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Canyoneers, Inc.
    	Box 2997
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86003
    	(800) 525-0924
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Canyonland Tours
    	P.O. Box 460, Dept. STI
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
    	(800) 841-3717 (not in AZ, AK, HI)
    	(602) 774-7343
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Canyons, Inc.
    	McCall, Idaho
    	Comments: Owned by Les and Susan Bechdel (author of "River Rescue")
    	Comments: Outfitter on Main Salmon and Middle Fork of the Salmon.
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    	PO Box 488
    	Grayling, Michigan 49738
    	(517) 348-9886
    	Comments: paddles
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Carlson Designs
    	Bob Carlson
    	143 Tewksbury
    	Point Richmond, California 94801
    	(415) 232-8491
    	Comments: mfgr of 4" and 6" raft inflation pumps, oar stirrups,
    	Comments: whitewater bodyboards and miscellaneous rafting gear.
    	Last-update: Jul 91
    Carolina Wilderness Adventures, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 488
    	Hot Springs, North Carolina 28743
    	(704) 622-3535
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Cascada Expediciones
    	Contact: Yerko Ivelic
    	Orrego Luco 054, 2Њ Piso
    	Providencia, Santiago
    	(562) 234-2274
    	(562) 232-7214
    	(562) 251-9223
    	Fax: (562) 233-9768
    	Comments: Cascada is a whitewater outfitter here Chile, which runs
    	Comments: raft and kayak trips and also have kayak instruction.
    	Comments: Also rents kayaks and gear and can arrange airport transfers,
    	Comments: hotels (cheap and expensive) and help with the best itineraries.
    	Comments: Rivers run: Maipo, Teno, Lontue, Nuble, BioBio, Trancura, Palguin, Fui, Futaleufu.
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Cascade Outfitters
    	145 Pioneer Parkway E
    	Springfield, Oregon 97477
    	(503) 747-2272
    	(800) 223-7328 (orders only)
    	Comments: general gear
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Champagne Canoeing (Ann & Keech LeClair)
    	P.O. Box 173
    	Scarborough, New York 10510-0673
    	(914) 762-5121
    	Comments: Run the Webatuck slalom/Farmington Slalom
    	Comments: Whitewater open canoe instruction, solo and tandem
    	Comments: ACA Chief Instructors for the area
    	Comments: Two-time national open boat slalom champions
    	Last-update: Jul 96
    Cheat River Outfitters, Inc.
    	Box 196, Albright
    	WV 26519
    	Box 134
    	Ellicott City, Maryland 21043
    	(304) 329-2024HP(301) 461-2554
    	Comments: WV (April-June) MD (July-March)
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Cherokee Adventures, Inc.
    	P.O. Box E 779
    	Erwin, Tennessee 37650
    	(615) 743-8666
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Chesapeake Paddlers Association
    	PO Box 3873
    	Fairfax, Virginia 22038
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Chicagoland Canoe Base
    	4019 Narragansett Avenue
    	Chicago, Illinois 60634
    	(312) 777-1489
    	Fax: (312) 777-4943
    	Comments: dealer
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Chuck Richards
    	P.O. Box W. W. Whitewater
    	Lake Isabella, California 93240
    	(619) 379-4685
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Class VI River Runners
    	Ames Heights Road, PO Box 78
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(800) CLASS-VI
    	(304) 574-0704
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Class VI Whitewater
    	Box 1794
    	McCall, Idaho 83638
    	(208) 634-4353
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Clavey River Equipment
    	PO Box 180
    	141 H Street, Suite G
    	Petaluma, California 94953
    	(800) 832-4226
    	Comments: Sales/Rental of Inflatable Rafts,Kayaks and Accessories.
    	Last-update: Jul 96
    Clement's Canoes
    	Crawfordsville, Indiana
    	(317) 362-9864 (Crawfordsville)
    	(317) 435-7285 (Woods Mill)
    	Comments: canoe livery on Sugar Creek
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Club Asean of California
    	P. O. Box 2375
    	Daly City, California 94017
    	(415) 479-7284
    	Comments: Outfitter -- S. Fork American, Stanislaus in California
    	Last-update: Sep 90
    Coastal Canoeists, Inc.
    	PO Box 566
    	Richmond, Virginia 23204
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Colorado Adventure Network
    	194 South Franklin St.
    	Denver, Colorado 30209
    	(303) 722-6482
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Colorado Kayak Supply
    	PO Box 3059
    	Buena Vista, Colorado 81211
    	Comments: gear
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Colorado River and Trail Expeditions
    	5058 South 300 West
    	Murray, Utah 84107
    	(801) 261-1789
    	Comments: outfitter - Grand Canyon, Desolation, Westwater, Cataract, Tatshenshini
    	Last-update: Sep 90
    Colorado Whitewater Association
    	Abbrev: CWWA
    	(303) 770-0515
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Conant, Stephen
    	Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust
    	P.O. Box 7162
    	Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
    	(508) 459-9629
    	Comments: Thoreau's Portage slalom
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Conewago Canoe Club
    	Route 8, Box 359
    	York, Pennsylvania 17403
    	c/o Figdores
    	2267 Willow Road
    	York, Pennsylvania 17404
    	Comments: Runs the Codorus Slalom each fall
    	Comments: membership requests to Dolly Reinhardt, 2850 Cape Horn Rd.,
    	Comments: Red Lion, PA 17356,   (717) 757-4972
    	Comments: Rick Reinhardt at work is (717) 235-7500
    	Comments: Rick Reinhardt may be
    	Comments: See also Carol Figdore (717) 764-5834
    	Last-update: Jan 92
    Crandall, Dan
    	Wilderness Sports
    	12401 Folsom Blvd
    	Rancho Cordova, California 95742
    	(???) 985-3555
    	Comments: Nugget Slalom/Downriver
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Cripple Creek Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 198
    	Ocoee, Tennessee 37361
    	(615) 338-8441
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Cumberland Outdoor Adventures, Inc.
    	Route 6, Box 372B
    	Corbin, Kentucky 40701
    	(606) 523-0629
    	(704) 689-5228
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Custom River Tours
    	P.O. Box 7071
    	Boise, Idaho 83707
    	(208) 343-3343
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Dagger / Dagger Composites
    	P.O. Box 1500
    	Harriman, TN, 37748
    	(423) 882-0404
    	(Dagger Composites)
    	319 Roddy Lane
    	Harriman, TN, 37748
    	(423) 882-3547
    	Comments: kayak/canoe mfgr, "Response", "Crossfire"
    	Comments: Andy Bridge's "Valley Mill Boats" is now Dagger Composites
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Daltour Center
    	28 Lermontova street
    	Khabarovsk, 680013 Russia
    	7 (421) 021-2825
    	Comments: Outfitting services for Khabarovsk region of Russia; river trips,
    	Comments: skiing, climbing, hiking, biking, fishing, environmental and
    	Comments: ethnographical trips.  Skilled English-speaking guides, and
    	Comments: all types of boats -- kayaks, rafts, katarafts.
    	Last-update: Feb 93
    DeFeo, Jeff
    	Ingell Road
    	Chester, Massachusetts 01011
    	(413) 354-9684
    	Comments: Westfield River downriver
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    DePauli, John
    	695 Marshall Road
    	Vacaville, California 95689
    	(707) 446-0787
    	Comments: Stanislaus Slalom/Downriver
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Debret, Susan
    	River Store
    	P.O. Box 472
    	Lotus, California 95651
    	Comments: American River Festival
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Dept. of Parks and Recreation
    	1206 Kessler Mill Road
    	Salem, Virginia 24153
    	Comments: New River Rodeo
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Diamond River Adventures
    	P.O. Box 1316
    	Page, Arizona 86040
    	(602) 645-8866
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Dickson, Jeff
    	261 New Road
    	Avon, Connecticut 06001
    	(203) 693-1525
    	Comments: Punch Brook slalom (New England Cup)
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Don Hatch
    	P.O. Box C
    	Vernon, Utah 84078
    	(801) 789-4316
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Down River Equipment Company
    	12100 West 52nd Avenue #101
    	Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
    	(303) 467-9489
    	Comments: inflatables dealer
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Downstream Outdoor Outfitters
    	202 West Dickson
    	Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
    	(501) 442-2101
    	Comments: dealer, level reporting, backpacking supplies
    	Last-update: Feb 94
    	P.O. Box 78
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(800) 633-RAFT
    	(304) 574-3282
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Duffner, Bob
    	6682 Bereridge Place SW
    	Seattle, Washington 98136
    	(206) 935-4983
    	Comments: "On the House" Slalom (Snoqualmie)
    	Comments: address is known bad
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Durand, Bob
    	1209 Catherine Court
    	Carbondale, Colorado 81612
    	(303) 963-9393
    	Comments: Duran/Jaycox races
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    EJ's Priorities
    	315 7th Street, S.E.
    	Washington, DC 20003
    	(202) 546-9213
    	Fax: (202) 546-3106
    	Comments: Store/dealership for paddling gear, boats, etc.
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    	Box 1614
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
    	(602) 779-5415
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jan 86
    East Race Waterway, South Bend, Indiana
    	c/o Parks and Recreation Department
    	301 S. St. Louis Blvd.
    	South Bend, Indiana 46617
    	Information (219) 235-9401
    	Paul McMinn, Director (219) 235-9328
    	Comments: Artificial whitewater course, summer operation only.
    	Comments: Open to private boaters (daily fee); rental rafts and funyaks
    	Comments: available (per ride fee). Several races scheduled each year.
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Eastern Mountain Sports
    	Abbrev: EMS
    	Ardmore, Pennsylvania
    	(610) 896-0627
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Eastern River Expeditions
    	Box 1173B
    	Greenville, Maine 04441
    	(207) 695-2411
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Echo Canyon
    	(800) 367-2167 (Apr-Sep)
    	(719) 632-3684
    	Comments: rafting outfitter
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Echo, The Wilderness Company
    	6529 Telegraph Avenue
    	Oakland, California 94609
    	(415) 652-1600
    	(800) 652-ECHO (inside California)
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Aug 91
    Eloe, Howard
    	321 Homestead Lane
    	Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404
    	(208) 524-0282
    	Comments: Snake River Classic, Idaho Falls Classic
    	Comments: Snake River Whitewater Project
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Epic Adventures
    	550 South 1st St.
    	San Jose, California 95113
    	(408) 294-5676
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Erb, Guy
    	P.O. Box 1392
    	Bozeman, Montana 59715
    	(406) 587-7575
    	Comments: Gallatin Whitewater Festival
    	Comments: This address is known to be bad, 2/95
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Expediciones Chile
    	E-Mail: Compuserve 72440,472
    	333 Earls Rd
    	Bryson City, North Carolina 28713
    	(704) 488-9082 (also fax line)
    	Comments: Run by Chris Spelius; does kayak trips (no rafting) in Chile
    	Comments: on the Bio Bio, Futaleufu, and Fuy; class III-V, 1-3 weeks.
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Expeditions, Inc.
    	625 N. Beaver St.
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86001
    	(602) 774-8176
    	(602) 779-3769
    	Comments: outfitter - Grand Canyon support
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    	5305 NW 35th Ct.
    	Miami, Florida 33142-3203
    	Comments: PFDs and other gear
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Far Flung Adventures
    	P.O. Box 31
    	Terlingua, Texas 79852
    	(915) 371-2489
    	Comments: Basic Whitewater Rafting (Rowing) Clinic in May and June - New Mexico and Colorado
    	Comments: Advanced Whitewater Rowing Clinic in Sept-Oct on Rio Antigua, Veracruz, Mexico
    	Comments: Regular raft trips in Big Bend, Northern New Mexico, Colorado, Salt River - Arizona
    	Comments: Rio Antigua, Veracruz, Mexico; Mayan ruins on Rio Usumacinta, Chiapas Mexico.
    	Last-update: Jul 96
    Four Corners River Sports & Kayak School
    	PO Box 379
    	Durango, Colorado 81302
    	(800) 426-7637
    	Comments: Animas River Days (Lorain McGlothlin)
    	Comments: paddling school, outfitter, dealer
    	Comments: Nancy Wiley's school
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Friends of the River
    	P.O. Box 1115
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
    	(602) 774-0130
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Gauley Expeditions, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 264
    	Fayetteville, West Virginia 25840
    	(304) 574-3679
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Gentry, Susan
    	Rt. 2
    	252 Deer Creek Trail
    	Hoschton, Georgia 30548
    	(404) 654-2725
    	Comments: Ocoee Rodeo
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Go With The Flow
    	4 Elizabeth Way
    	Roswell, Georgia 30075
    	(770) 992-3200
    	Last-update: Sep 96
    Grand Canyon Dories
    	P.O. Box 3029
    	Stanford, California 94303
    	(415) 851-2616
    	Comments: No noisy engines; only real wooden dories and rafts.
    	Comments: Purchased by Outdoors Unlimited and OARS some years ago,
    	Comments: still operated under the same name.
    	Last-update: Sep 92
    Grand Canyon Expeditions
    	Kanab, Utah
    	Comments: This is the group that took National Geographic through the
    	Comments: canyon about ten years back.
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Grand Canyon Outfitters
    	PO Box 674
    	Flagstaff, Arizona 86002
    	(602) 779-0519
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Great Adventures West
    	820 Central Avenue
    	Great Falls, Montana 59401
    	(406) 761-1677
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Great Northern Whitewater
    	PO Box 278
    	West Glacier, Montana 59936
    	(406) 387-5340
    	(800) 735-7897
    	Comments: Outfitter -- canoeing, kayaking, rafting, fishing.
    	Last-update: Aug 96
    Greater Baltimore Canoe Club
    	c/o Budger
    	626 Town Center Drive Suite 100
    	Joppa, Maryland 21085
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Greater Philadelphia Search and Rescue
    	(215) 233-3360 (business)
    	(215) 630-6744 (EMERGENCY)
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Grizzly Whitewater Expeditions
    	RR 2, S. 43, C. 24
    	Gibsons, BC Canada
    	VON 1VO (604) 886-2875
    	Comments: outfitter -British Columbia
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Gulf Coast Kayak Company
    	4882 NW Pine Island Road
    	Matlacha, Florida 33909
    	(813) 283-1125
    	Fax: (813) 283-7034
    	Last-update: Feb 95
    Hancock, Jim
    	Wilderness Mountain Ski and Sports
    	Twin City Plaza
    	Brewer, Maine 04412
    	(207) 989-7250
    	Comments: Kenduskeag Stream Canoe race
    	Comments: address known bad
    	Last-update: Mar 91
    Hell & Highwater
    	1027 Pangburn Road
    	Geneva, Ohio 44041
    	(216) 466-2230
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    High Adventure River Tours
    	P.O. Box 1434
    	Twin Falls, Idaho 83301
    	(208) 324-2962
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    High Country River Rafters
    	(303) 526-2426
    	Comments: Colorado river-running organization
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    High Country, Inc.
    	3906 Roswell Road
    	Atlanta, Georgia 30342
    	(404) 814-0999
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Sep 96
    High Desert Adventures
    	240 E. Morris Ave.
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
    	(800) 345-RAFT
    	Comments: Outfitter; booking agent for GCD and Outdoors Unlimited
    	Last-update: Aug 92
    Hogan, Pam & Denny
    	P.O. Box 644
    	Buena Vista, Colorado 81211
    	(719) 395-2951
    	Comments: Until April 15th: P.O. Box 5642, Vail, Colorado 81658
    	Comments: Colorado Cup at Arkansas River
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Hokanson, John
    	2311 NE 103rd St.
    	Seattle, Washington 98125
    	(206) 524-7426
    	Comments: Northwest Whitewater Championship
    	Last-update: Mar 91
    Holiday River Expeditions
    	544 E 3900 South
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84107
    	(801) 266-2087
    	Comments: outfitter - Colorado, Salmon, Lochsa, Green, Grand Canyon, Yampa, San Juan
    	Comments: One of the more environmentally conscious companies.
    	Last-update: Sep 90
    Hudson River Whitewater Derby
    	P.O. Box 84
    	North Creek, New York 12853
    	(518) 251-2612
    	Comments: slalom, downriver
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Hughes River Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 217
    	Cambridge, Idaho 83610
    	(208) 257-3477
    	Comments: Middle Fork (Hells Canyon), Snake River, Lower Salmon (Salmon River Canyon)
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Hunt, Sonny
    	158 W. Parish Road
    	Concord, New Hampshire 03301
    	(603) 753-9576
    	Comments: Blackwater Slalom/Riverfest Slalom (New England Cup)
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Hunterdon County Canoe Club
    	c/o Hunterdon County Parks
    	174-B Highway 31
    	Lebanon, New Jersey 08833
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    	5061 S. National Drive
    	Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
    	(800) 537-8888
    	Comments: kayak mfgr
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    	PO Box Z
    	Kernville, California 93238
    	(619) 376-3225
    	Fax: (619) 376-6014
    	Comments: raft mfgr
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Idaho Adventures
    	Box 834-BP
    	Salmon, Idaho 83467
    	(208) 756-2986
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Idaho River Sports
    	1521 N. 13th Street (in Hyde Park)
    	Boise, Idaho 83702
    	(208) 336-4844
    	Comments: kayaks, canoes, rafts -  sales and rentals; good info source.
    	Comments: Open all year, and also doubles as the "Skier's Edge" in winter.
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    Infinity Kayaks, Inc.
    	Box 729
    	McCall, Idaho 83638
    	(208) 634-7444
    	Comments: kayak maker
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Inflatible Kayak Specialties/The Boat People
    	3320 Segovia
    	San Jose, California 95127
    	(408) 258-7971
    	Comments: Sales/rental of inflatible kayaks, rafts, and accessories.
    	Last-update: Dec 93
    Intrepid Watersports, Inc.
    	915 White Avenue
    	Moscow, Idaho 83843
    	(208) 882-5544
    	(800) 503-7373
    	Comments: Wholesalers and distributers for rafting and kayaking
    	Comments: equipment.  Also have a walk-in retail store. (No retail mail order)
    	Last-update: Oct 94
    Jack's Plastic Welding
    	115 South Main
    	Aztec, New Mexico 87410
    	(505) 334-8748
    	Fax: (505) 334-1901
    	Comments: Plastic welding and repairs -- Jack fixed the seat of my Hydra
    	Comments: kayak after I destroyed it snow-surfing. ---Rsk
    	Last-update: Jan 96
    Jackson, Randy
    	905 N. Ivy Drive
    	Jenks, Oklahoma 74037
    	(918) 834-8622
    	Comments: Dust Bowl Whitewater Rodeo
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    James Henry River Journeys
    	P.O. Box 807
    	Bolinas, California 94924
    	(415) 868-1836
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    James River Basin Canoe Livery, Ltd.
    	RFD #6  Box 125
    	Lexington, Virginia 24450
    	(540) 261-7334
    	Comments: Outfitter, Trips on the James and Maury Rivers in the Shenandoah
    	Comments: Valley and Blue Ridge Mountains of western Virginia.  Three hours
    	Comments: southwest of Washington, D.C.
    	Last-update: Feb 96
    James River Experiences, Ltd.
    	11010 Midlothian Turnpike
    	Richmond, Virginia 23235
    	(804) 794-3493
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Jaycox, John
    	Boulder, Colorado
    	(303) 447-2069
    	Comments: Makes custom competition canoes & kayaks, also has New Vision,
    	Comments: Jet and misc molds.  Does repair work.
    	Last-update: Aug 92
    Jentzer, John
    	89 Poplar Street
    	Bangor, Maine 04401
    	(207) 947-4227
    	Comments: Kenduskeag slalom (New England Cup)
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Jersey Paddler
    	Route 88W
    	Brick, New Jersey 08724
    	(908) 458-5777
    	Fax: (908) 458-5666
    	Comments: dealer
    	Last-update: Aug 91
    Johnson, Tom
    	Box 675
    	Kernville, California 93238
    	(619) 376-6723
    	Comments: Kernville Slalom/Downriver
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Karnuta, Tom
    	421 W. Sackett
    	Salida, Colorado 81201
    	(719) 539-4847
    	Comments: River Rendezvous Race
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Keel Haulers Outfitters
    	30940 Lorain Road
    	North Olmsted, Ohio 44070
    	(216) 779-4545
    	(800) 483-9832 (Orders & Catalog request only)
    	Fax: (216) 779-4551
    	Web: http://PAGES.PRODIGY.COM/FNRG51A/
    	Comments: Equipment and boats from Perception, Prijon, New Wave, Kokatat,
    	Comments: Wilderness Systems, Ocean Kayak, Mountain Surf, Extrasport, etc.
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Kentuckiana Whitewater
    	(812) 923-9546
    	Comments: small shop near Indiana-Kentucky border
    	Last-update: Jun 89
    Keystone Canoe Club
    	c/o Terry Ziegler
    	44 West Main
    	Macungie, Pennsylvania 18062
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Keystone Raft and Kayak Adventures
    	PO Box 1486, Valdez, Alaska 99686
    	(907) 835-2606
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Kingsborough, Barbara
    	14 Boutonville Road
    	South Salem, New York 10590
    	(914) 763-8614
    	(914) 698-1111
    	Comments: HACKS Covered Bridge Slalom, part of New England Cup
    	Last-update: May 95
    Kitson, Ray & Horton, Dave
    	P.O. Box 1549
    	Buena Vista, Colorado 81211-1549
    	(719) 395-2409
    	Comments: Champion race at The Numbers (Arkansas)
    	Comments: Headwaters Invitational
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    Kittatinny Canoes
    	Dingman's Ferry, Pennsylvania
    	(800) 356-2852
    	Comments: Canoeing outfitter for the Delaware River
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Klam, Caroline
    	(703) 538-5972
    	Comments: USCKT/NSWC official
    	Last-update: Mar 92
    Kurtz, David
    	Environmental Resources Research
    	0117 Pesticide Lab
    	University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
    	(814) 863-4436
    	Comments: maintains national rankings for NSWC
    	Last-update: Feb 95
    L'eau Vive
    	Twin Lakes, Colorado
    	(719) 486-1295
    	Comments: US importer/distributor of Euro-Kayaks
    	Last-update: Aug 93
    Lackawanna River Corridor Association
    	PO Box 368
    	Scranton, Pennsylvania 18501
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Lacy, Gary
    	485 Arapahoe
    	Boulder, Colorado 80303
    	(303) 440-9268
    	Comments: Boulder Creek Races - sent
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Lancaster Canoe Club
    	c/o McCann
    	399 N. George Street
    	Millersville, Pennsylvania 17551
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Laurel Highlands River Tours, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 107
    	Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania 15470
    	(412) 329-8531
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ledyard Canoe Club
    	New Hampshire
    	(603) 643-6709
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Lehigh Valley Canoe Club
    	Box 2726
    	Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania 18001
    	Box 4353
    	Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
    	Comments: Runs the Easton Slalom each fall
    	Last-update: Oct 91
    Lewis & Clark Trail Adventures
    	P.O. Box 9051
    	Missoula, Montana 59807
    	(406) 728-7606
    	Comments: Lochsa Rendezvous
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Loon Bay Lodge
    	P.O. Box 101
    	St. Stephen, N.B.
    	E3L 2W9 Canada
    	1-888-LOON BAY (566-6229)
    	(506) 466-1240
    	Fax: (506) 466-4213
    	Comments: outfitter, St. Croix River
    	Comments: Contact is David Whittingham
    	Last-update: Sep 96
    Lotus Designs
    	1060 Old Mars Hill Hwy.
    	Weaverville, North Carolina 28787
    	(704) 689-2470
    	Fax: (704) 689-252
    	Comments: We make Cordura lifejackets.
    	Comments: They're Coast Guard Approved.
    	Comments: We paddle Class V.
    	Last-update: Jul 96
    Lubbers, Larry
    	1233 River Bay Road
    	Annapolis, Maryland 21401
    	(410) 757-6451
    	Comments: ACA WWOC race guy
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Maciel, Jackie & Dick
    	95 Elm Street
    	Franklin, Massachusetts 02038
    	(508) 528-0951
    	Comments: New England Cup
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Mad River Canoes
    	PO Box 610
    	Waitsfield, Vermont 05673
    	(802) 496-3127
    	Comments: canoe maker
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Madawaska Kanu Center
    	Box 635, Barry's Bay
    	Ontario KOJ 1B0
    	(613) 756-3620 summer
    	(416) 447-8845 winter
    	Comments: paddling school
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Maine Whitewater, Inc.
    	Gadabout Gaddis Airport
    	Bingham, Maine 04920
    	(207) 672-4814
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Mariah Wilderness Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 1384
    	El Cerrito, CA, 94530
    	(415) 527-5544
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Mason-Dixon Canoe Cruisers
    	c/o Fluke
    	RT 1 Box 169-31
    	Falling Waters, West Virginia 25419
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Mattison, Bill & Susan
    	(303) 476-1414
    	Timberline Tours
    	Vail, Colorado 81657
    	(303) 476-1127
    	Comments: Gore Canyon Race
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Meekof, Dawn
    	FM-15, Physics
    	University of Washington
    	Seattle, Washingont 98195
    	(206) 328-7871
    	Comments: Stillaguamish Slalom?
    	Comments: This address is known to be bad, 2/95
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Meier, Joel
    	Recreation Mgt. Progam
    	School of Forestry
    	University of Montana
    	Missoula, Montana 59812
    	(406) 243-6459
    	Comments: Blackfoot Whitewater Weekend
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Menasha Ridge Press
    	(205) 322-0439
    	Comments: Publishers of numerous books on whitewater, mountain biking
    	Comments: and skiing.  Noted author William (not Bill) Nealy.
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Mid Atlantic Paddlers Association
    	c/o Havens
    	PO Box 1346
    	Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Middle Fork River Expeditions
    	Box 233
    	Sun Valley, Idaho 83353
    	(208) 726-8888
    	(800) 232-8588
    	Fax: (208) 726-2288
    	Comments: outfitter - Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho, Owyhee and Brunaeu in Idaho
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    Missinaibi Headwaters Outfitters
    	Chapleau, Ontario, Canada
    	(705) 864-2065
    	(winter) R.R.1 Poplar Sideroad
    	Collingwood Ontario, Canada, L9Y 3Y9
    	(705) 444-7780
    	Comments: Outfitting and guiding on remote northern Ontario rivers.
    	Last-update: Mar 96
    Mohawk Canoes
    	963 N. Hwy 427
    	Longwood, Florida 32750
    	(407) 834-3233
    	Comments: canoe mfgr
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    	963 N. Highway 427
    	Longwood, Florida 32750
    	(407) 834-3233
    	Comments: paddles
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Moki Mac River Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 21242
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
    	(801) 268-6667
    	Comments: outfitter - Green, Colorado
    	Last-update: Jan 95
    Monocacy Canoe Club
    	c/o Foster
    	5826 Jefferson Boulevard
    	Frederick, Maryland 21702
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Monoco Canoe Club
    	c/o Kennedy
    	861 Colts Neck
    	Freehold, New Jersey 07728
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Mountain River Tours
    	Box 88 Sunday Road
    	Hico, West Virginia 25854
    	(800) 822-1FUN
    	(304) 658-5817
    	Comments: rafting outfitter - New, Gauley, etc.
    	Comments: Highly recommended by rsk; ask for Stacy
    	Comments: Campground is at 304-658-4386, ask for Ray or Dren
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Mountain Streams and Trails Outfitters
    	Box 106
    	Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania 15470
    	(412) 329-8810
    	(800) 245-4090
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Mountain Travel/Sobek
    	(800) 227-2384
    	Comments: world-class outfitter; many first descents
    	Last-update: Aug 92
    NOVA Riverrunners
    	P.O. Box 444
    	Parkgate Building, 2nd floor
    	Eagle River, Alaska 99577
    	(907) 694-3750
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Nantahala Outdoor Center
    	US 19 W. Box 41
    	Bryson City, North Carolina 28713
    	(704) 488-6737
    	Comments: paddling school, outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 93
    Nantahala Rafts
    	US 19 W, Box 45
    	Bryson City, North Carolina 28713
    	(704) 488-2325
    	(704) 488-3627
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    National Organization for River Sports
    	Abbrev: NORS
    	Colorado Springs, Colorado
    	(719) 473-2466
    	Comments: Eric Leaper
    	Comments: Conservation and river access organization
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    National Outdoor College
    	P.O. Box 962 B
    	Fair Oaks, CA, 95628
    	(916) 638-7900
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Natsec Kayakclub
    	KV Natsec
    	Swanecampen 32
    	2645 NA Delfgauw
    	The Netherlands
    	Comments: Paddling club located near Rotterdam; whitewater, slalom,
    	Comments: beach surfing, polo and flatwater.
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    New & Gauley River Adventures
    	P.O. Box 44
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(800) SKY-RAFT
    	(304) 574-3008
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    New England Whitewater Supply
    	PO Box 149
    	Bedford, MA 01730
    	(617) 275-6551
    	Comments: equipment from Dagger, Perception, Upstream Edge, Wilderness
    	Comments: Systems, Silver Creek, Mitchell, Werner, Propulsion, Harmony,
    	Comments: Colorado Kayak, Extrasport, Seda, Tightskirts, etc.
    	Comments: Believed to be defunct, rsk, July 1994
    	Last-update: Jan 93
    New River Raft Company
    	P.O. Box 249
    	Glen Jean, West Virginia 25846
    	(800) NEW-RAFT
    	(304) 469-2790
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    New River Scenic Whitewater Tours, Inc.
    	Hinton Bypass
    	Hinton, West Virginia 25951
    	(304) 466-2288
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    New Wave Waterworks
    	2535 Roundtop Road
    	Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057
    	(717) 944-6320
    	Fax: (717) 944-0422
    	Comments: Maker of fiberglass/kevlar K-1 and C-1 boats, including slalom/squirt
    	Comments: Now make plastic boats as well
    	Comments: Also sell accessories and outfitting
    	Last-update: Mar 93
    New/Gauley Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 264
    	Fayetteville, West Virginia 25854
    	(800) 472-RAFT
    	(304) 574-2445
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Newton, Hugh
    	P.O. Box 1723
    	Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477
    	(303) 879-3300
    	Comments: Yampa River Festival
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    Nolichucky Expeditions, Inc.
    	Box 484
    	Erwin, Tennessee 37650
    	(615) 743-3221
    	(615) 743-5400
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    North American River Runners, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 81
    	Hico, West Virginia 25854
    	(800) 950-2585
    	(304) 658-5276
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    North American Whitewater Expeditions, Inc.
    	60C Skiff St.
    	Suite 770
    	Hamden Connecticut 06517
    	(203) 457-9008
    	PO Box 64
    	Route 201
    	West Forks, Maine 04985
    	(207) 662-54439
    	Comments: rafting outfitter - Kennebec, West, Dead, Penobscot, Bull's Bridge
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Northbrook Canoe
    	SE Pennsylvania
    	(215) 793-2279
    	Comments: Canoeing outfitter for the Brandywine River
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Northern Whitewater Expeditions, Inc.
    	Box 100
    	The Forks, Maine 04985
    	(207) 663-4466
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Northwest Adventures
    	North 8884 Government Way, Suite B
    	Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835
    	(208) 772-7531
    	(800) 635-1379
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Northwest River Co.
    	Box 403, Dept. B
    	Boise, Idaho 83701
    	(208) 344-7119
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Northwest River Supplies
    	2009 S. Main
    	Moscow, Idaho 83843
    	(208) 882-2383
    	Comments: Rafting and kayaking supplies
    	Last-update: Dec 92
    	Box 67
    	Angels Camp, California 95222
    	(209) 736-4677
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ocoee Inn Rafting
    	HWY 64
    	Benton, Tennessee 37307
    	(615) 338-2064
    	(800) 221-7238
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ocoee Outdoors, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 172
    	Ocoee, Tennessee 37361
    	(615) 338-2438
    	(800) 572-1014
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ocoee Rafting, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 461
    	US 64 & State 68
    	Ducktown, Tennessee 37326
    	(615) 496-3388
    	(800) 251-4800
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Old Town
    	58 Middle Street M-39
    	Old Town, Maine 04468
    	(800) 543-4340
    	(207) 827-5513 in Maine or outside U.S.
    	Comments: canoe maker
    	Last-update: Jan 97
    Osprey Expeditions
    	PO Box 209-RR
    	Denali National Park, Alaska 99755
    	(907) 683-2634
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Ottawa Whitewater Rafting, Ltd.
    	P.O. Box 179
    	Beachburg, Ontario KOJ 1CO
    	(800) 267-8505
    	(613) 582-3351
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Otter Bar Lodge & Kayak School
    	Box 210
    	Forks of Salmon, California 96031
    	(916) 462-4772
    	Comments: paddling school
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Outdoor Adventures
    	3109 Fillmore St.
    	San Francisco, California 94123
    	(415) 346-8700
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Outdoor Adventures
    	PO Box 1149
    	Point Reyes, California 94956
    	(415) 663-8300
    	Comments: outfitter - Middle Fork, Salmon, Kern, Forks, Tuolumne
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Outdoor Centre of New England
    	Pleasant St.
    	Millers Falls, Massachusetts
    	(413) 659-3926
    	Comments: whitewater instructional school
    	Last-update: Apr 91
    Outdoors Unlimited
    	P.O. Box 22513-T
    	Sacramento, California 95822
    	(916) 452-1081
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Outland Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 397
    	Benton, Tennessee 37307
    	(615) 338-2107
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Outlaw River Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 790-M
    	Moab, Utah 84532
    	(801) 259-8241
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ouzel Expeditions
    	7540 E. 20th
    	Anchorage, Alaska
    	Comments: outfitter, Alaska float fishing
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Owen J. Gregory
    	12 Rudd Avenue
    	Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V1
    	(613) 542-4367
    	Comments: Outfitter; mostly rental equipment, river guiding.
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    Pacific Rim Adventure Expeditions (PRAE)
    	3009 E Kaiser Drive
    	Santa Clara, California 95051-4734
    	(408) 296-8444
    	Comments: outfitter--S., Middle, N. Forks of the American R., California
    	Comments: Upper Sacramento R. and Stanislaus R. in California when runnable.
    	Comments: Rogue River, Oregon
    	Comments: Special trips arranged in Taiwan R.O.C. and mainland China PROC
    	Comments: Management training trips arranged for corporations (US & Japan)
    	Last-update: Sep 90
    Pacific River Supply
    	Jim Cassady
    	3675 San Pablo Dam Road
    	El Sobrante, California 94803
    	(415) 223-3675
    	Comments: Sales of inflatables and related whitewater equipment.
    	Last-update: Jul 91
    Pack Rat Outdoor Center
    	2397 Green Acres Road
    	Fayetteville, Arkansas 72704
    	(501) 521-6340
    	Comments: Latest in canoe and kayak designs and top quality gear
    	Comments: to go with it.  Conveniently located near the great whitewater
    	Comments: of the Ozark mountains.
    	Last-update: Nov 96
    	Crawfordsville, Indiana
    	(317) 866-1973
    	(317) 474-1478
    	Comments: Roger Beach's canoe/kayak shop near Sugar Creek
    	Last-update: Jun 89
    Parklands Expeditions, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 3055
    	Jackson Hole, Wyoming 8300170
    	(307) 733-3379
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Passages to Adventure, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 71
    	Fayetteville, West Virginia 25840
    	(800) 634-3785
    	(304) 574-1037
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jun 95
    Paul Brooks' Galice Raft Trips
    	12221 Galice Road
    	P.O. Box 638
    	Merlin Oregon 97532
    	(503) 476-8051
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Penn State Outing Club
    	4 Intramural Building
    	University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
    	Comments: Runs the Bellefonte Slalom each fall
    	Comments: Runs the Loyalsock Slalom each spring
    	Comments: Pool sessions Jan-Mar
    	Last-update: Nov 96
    	P.O. Box 8002
    	1110 Powdersville Road
    	Easley, South Carolina 29640
    	(803) 859-7518
    	Fax: (803) 855-5995
    	Comments: kayak/canoe mfgr, "Dancer", "Mirage", "Reflex", "Corsica"
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Performance Extremes
    	RD #2 Box 101 B
    	Hoosick Falls, New York 12090
    	(518) 686-5584
    	Comments: Manufactures paddling clothes and fleece clothes, sells by mail order.
    	Comments:  Some outlets in stores in the Northeast.
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Perry, Ann & Gowins, Karen
    	Birmingham Canoe Club
    	P.O. Box 951
    	Birmingham, Alabama 35201
    	(205) 934-7972
    	Comments: Mulberry Fork downriver and slalom
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Philadelphia Canoe Club
    	Colony Castle
    	4900 Ridge Avenue
    	Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19128
    	(215) 487-9674
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Pike's Peak Whitewater Club
    	c/o Sara Dentoni
    	533 N. Wahsatch Avenue
    	Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903-3001
    	(719) 520-0066 (?)
    	Comments: paddling club for whitewater, some flatwater, in the Colorado area
    	Last-update: Aug 93
    Pocono Whitewater Rafting Center
    	Rt 903
    	Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 18229
    	(717) 325-3656
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Point Pleasant Canoes
    	Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania
    	(215) 279-8823
    	Comments: Canoeing outfitter for the Delaware River
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Poudre River Kayaks
    	Ft. Collins, Colorado
    	(303) 484-5922
    	Comments: Claire Carren's nice paddling shop
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    Powell, Chester
    	465 Dipsy Doodle Lane
    	Whitefish, Montana 59937
    	(406) 862-6919
    	Comments: Big Fork Whitewater Festival
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Precision Rafting Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 185
    	Friendsville, Maryland 21531
    	(301) 746-5290
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    	Wildwasser Sport USA
    	PO Box 4617
    	1800 Commerce St.
    	Boulder, Colorado 80306
    	(303) 444-2336
    	Comments: kayak/paddle mfgr
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Professional River Instruction
    	P.O. Box 3189
    	Mercerville, New Jersey 08619
    	(609) 586-8366
    	Fax: (609) 586-8985
    	Comments: school, dealer
    	Last-update: Nov 94
    Project RAFT
    	209 Douglas Lane
    	Pleasant Hill, California 94523
    	(415) 935-4528
    	Fax: (415) 945-0964
    	Comments: Russians and Americans For Teamwork
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    RED (Recreational Equipment Diversified)
    	2030 N. Redwood Rd, Suite 10
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
    	(800)  852-RAFT
    	Comments: raft mfgr
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    ROW (River Odysseys West)
    	East 320 17th Avenue
    	Spokane, Washington 99203
    	(509) 624-7317
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Race Registrar
    	Atlanta Whitewater Club
    	P.O. Box 33
    	Clarkston, Georgia 30021
    	(404) 299-3752
    	Comments: Ocoee Doubleheader
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Rainbow Designs
    	PO Box 3155
    	Boulder, Colorado 80307
    	(303) 444-8495
    	Comments: clothes, gear
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Range Tours
    	1540 South Holly St.
    	Denver, Colorado 80222
    	(303) 759-1988
    	(800) 525-8509
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Rappahannock Canoe Racing Association
    	c/o Micks
    	3219 Fall Hill Avenue
    	Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Recreational Equipment International
    	Abbrev: REI
    	Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
    	(215) 940-0808
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Richard Brothers, Inc.
    	2215 Rangeview Lande
    	Laramie, Wyoming 82070
    	(307) 742-7529
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Rio Bravo, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 6004
    	McLean, Virginia 22101
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    River Information Network
    	c/o Peter Levine
    	PO Box 8787
    	Portland, Oregon 97207
    	(800) 423-6747
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    River Journey
    	14842 Orange Blossom Road
    	Oakdale, California
    	(209) 847-1235
    	Comments: outfitter, canoes for Stanislaus from Knights Ferry to Orange Blossom Bridge
    	Last-update: Apr 91
    River Rats
    	Boulder, Colorado
    	(303) 939-9004
    	Comments: Paddling club.
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    River Trails, Inc.
    	336 E. Columbia St.
    	Trontdale, Oregon 97060
    	(503) 667-1964
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    River Travel Center
    	P.O. Box 6-Q, Point Arena, California 95468
    	(800) 882-7238
    	Comments: outfitter - Grand Canyon, ID, UT, CA
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    River and Trail Outfitters, Inc.
    	Route 2, Valley Road
    	Knoxville, Maryland 21758
    	(301) 695-5177
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Rivers, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 30
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(800) 225-5982
    	(304) 574-3834
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    	PO Box 95
    	213 Yough Street
    	Confluence Pennsylvania 15424
    	(814) 395-5744
    	Comments: paddling school, on the middle Yough, run by Bob Ruppel
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Roby, Bob
    	3805 Mackland NE
    	Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110
    	(505) 256-0229
    	Comments: Mother's day raft/kayak race
    	Last-update: Apr 92
    Rockwood Outfitters
    	609 Speedvale Avenue West
    	Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1K 1E6
    	(519) 824-1415
    	Comments: Manufacturers of "The Upstream Edge" kayaks (including slalom
    	Comments: models) and "Bluewater" canoes.  Owners are Gary Barton and
    	Comments: Wayne Davenport.
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    Rocky Mountain Adventures
    	1117 N. Highway 287
    	Ft. Collins, Colorado 80521
    	(800) 858-6808
    	(303) 493-4005
    	Comments: Outfitter Poudre, Arkansas, Colorado, North Platte, Dolores,
    	Comments: Kayak Instruction, fly fishing.
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Rocky Mountain Canoe Club
    	c/o Suzanne Gold
    	2185 S Acoma
    	Denver, Colorado 80223
    	(303) 698-9486
    	Comments: paddling club for all levels in the Colorado area
    	Comments: address, phone are out of date
    	Last-update: Jul 91
    Rocky Mountain Outdoor Center
    	Star Rt. Box 323 R
    	Howard, Colorado 81233
    	(800) 255-5784
    	(303) 942-3214
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Rocky Mountain River Tours
    	P.O. Box 126
    	Hailey Idaho 83333-0126
    	(208) 788-9300
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Rolling Thunder River Co.
    	US 19, Nantahala Gorge
    	P.O. Box 88
    	Almond, North Carolina 28702
    	(704) 488-2030
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Ross, Lisa
    	River City Paddlers
    	3100 Strolling Hills Road
    	Cameron Park, California 95682
    	(707) 672-1551
    	Comments: Kyburz Slalom/Downriver
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Rough Run Outfitters
    	Box 165
    	Moatsville, West Virginia 26405
    	(304) 457-1260
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    SOAR Inflatables (Somewhere On A River)
    	Larry Laba
    	3152 Cherokee Street
    	St. Louis, Missouri  63118
    	(314) 776-6994
    	Fax: (314) 776-6997
    	Comments: Manufacturer on inflatable canoes.
    	Last-update: Sep 96
    Saco Bound
    	P.O. Box 113 (Route 302)
    	Center Conway, New Hampshire 03813
    	(603) 447-3002
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Scherrer, Cindy & Steve
    	Alder Creek Kayak
    	P.O. Box 968
    	Sandy, Oregon 97055
    	(503) 668-3121
    	Comments: Bob's Hole rodeo/slalom/downriver
    	Comments: address known bad
    	Last-update: Mar 91
    	PO Box 997
    	Chula Vista, California 92012
    	(619) 425-3222
    	Comments: kayak & canoe mfgr
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Sequoia Outdoor Center
    	P.O. Box 2
    	Sequoia, Kernville, California 93238
    	(619) 376-3776
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Sevylor USA, Inc.
    	6651 East 26th Street
    	Los Angeles, California 90040
    	(213) 727-6013
    	Fax: (213) 726-0481
    	Comments: inflatables mfgr
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Shawnee Canoe
    	(800) 742-9633
    	Comments: Canoeing outfitter for the Delaware River
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Sierra Kayak School
    	c/o California Canoe & Kayak
    	229 Tewksbury Avenue
    	Pt. Richmond, California 94801
    	(800) 366-9804
    	Comments: paddling school
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Sierra South
    	PO Box Y
    	Kernville, California 93238
    	(619) 376-3745
    	Comments: paddling school
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Sierra Western River Guides
    	Dept. B, P.O. Box 7129
    	University Station, Provo, Utah 84602
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Sierra Whitewater Expeditions
    	PO Box 12330
    	Springfield Oregon 97477
    	(800) 937-7300
    	(503) 741-2780
    	Comments: paddling school
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Slickrock Adventurers
    	PO Box 1400, Moab, Utah 84532
    	(801) 259-6996
    	Fax: (801) 259-8698
    	Comments: kayak school, tropical river outfitter
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Slippery Rock State College Outing Club
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Snake River Kayak & Canoe School
    	PO Box 3482
    	Jackson, Wyoming 83001
    	(800) 824-5375
    	(307) 733-3127
    	Comments: paddling school
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Snake River Outfitters
    	811 Snake River Avenue
    	Lewiston, Idaho 83501
    	(208) 746-2232, 208-743-7288
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Snodgrass, Bob
    	(717) 828-2799
    	Comments: Shuttle service for the Delaware River
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Songer Whitewater, Inc.
    	PO Box 330
    	Fayetteville, West Virginia 25840
    	(800) 356-RAFT
    	(304) 658-9926
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    South Bend East Race
    	South Bend, Indiana
    	(219) 233-6121
    	Comments: artificial whitewater course
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    South Fork Custom Canoe
    	175 D Placerville Drive
    	Placerville, California 95667
    	(916) 621-2058
    	Comments: Canoe outfitter (accessories etc.); lessons; canoeing events.
    	Last-update: Aug 94
    Southeastern Expeditions, Inc.
    	1955 Cliff Valley Way, NE
    	Suite 220
    	Atlanta, Georgia 30029
    	(404) 329-0433
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Spencer Canoe Livery
    	San Marcos, Texas
    	(512) 357-6113
    	Comments: boats, repairs, boat gear
    	Comments: Manufacturer of C3 Safari boat used for Texas Water Safari,
    	Comments: a 260 mi nonstop canoe race
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    Springriver Corporation
    	6434 Baltimore National Pike
    	Baltimore, Maryland 21228
    	(410) 788-3377
    HF:	(410) 788-3179
    	Comments: Dealer in canoes, kayaks, accessories.
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Steinway, Sascha
    	2033 Grove Street
    	Denver, Colorado 80211
    	(303) 455-8424
    	Comments: Arkansas River Youth Championships
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    Stevens, Karl
    	South Bend Parks Dept.
    	301 S. St. Louis Blvd.
    	South Bend, Indiana 46615
    	(21( 235-9401
    	Comments: races at South Bend East Race
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Sunburst Adventures
    	P.O. Box 329E
    	Benton, Tennessee 37307
    	(615) 338-8388
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Sundance Expeditions, Inc.
    	14894 Galice Road
    	Merlin, Oregon 97532
    	(503) 479-8508
    	Comments: paddling schol
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Sunrise County Canoe Expeditions, Inc.
    	Cathance Lake
    	Grove Post, Maine 04638
    	(207) 454-7708
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    T.G. Canoe Livery
    	Duane TeGrotenhuis
    	San Marcos, Texas
    	(512) 353-3946
    	Comments: boats, rentals and boat repairs
    	Last-update: Oct 93
    TI Adventures
    	Clayton, New York
    	(315) 686-2000
    	Comments: Outfitter, sells whitewater and sea kayaks.
    	Comments: Proprietor is Jay Brabant.
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    Take A Hike
    	400 N. Bowman Suite 1C
    	Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
    	(501) 227-8096
    	Fax: (501) 227-8081
    	Comments: several avid paddlers on staff; very good selection of boats
    	Comments: and accessories.
    	Last-update: Jan  94
    Telluride Whitewater
    	Box 685
    	Telluride, Colorado
    	(303) 728-3895
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Teton Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 218
    	Rigby, Idaho 83442
    	(208) 745-6476
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    The Rivermen
    	P.O. Box 220
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(800) 545-RAFT
    	(304) 574-0515
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Three Rivers Canoes
    	(317) 474-9391
    	Comments: canoe livery - Wildcat, Wabash, Sugar Creek
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Three Rivers Paddling Club
    	Geo. Mower
    	206 Spencer Avenue
    	Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15227
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Tigard, Lillian
    	Bayou City Whitewater Club
    	P.O. Box 980782
    	Houston, Texas 77098
    	(713) 494-7977
    	Comments: Devil's Playground slalom
    	Last-update: Apr 93
    Tingley, Bill
    	30 Fairchild Road
    	Sharon, Connecticut 06069
    	(203) 364-5321
    	Comments: Housatonic Whitewater Weekend
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Tour West, Inc.
    	(800) 453-9107
    	Comments: outfitter - Grand Canyon, Salmon, Cataract Canyon
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Turtle River Rafting
    	507 McCloud Avenue
    	Mt. Shasta, California 96067
    	(916) 926-3223
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Tussey Mountain Outfitters, Inc.
    	226 N. Water Street
    	Bellefonte, PA 16823
    	(814) 355-5690
    	Comments: Canoe, Kayak sales & rentals, Whitewater (OC) classes
    	Comments: Camping supplies & instructions
    	Comments: Runs Red Mo Downriver Race each spring
    	Comments: Runs Dog Days Slalom (Bellefonte) each August
    	Last-update: Nov 96
    Two River's Canoe
    	HCR 70, Box 315
    	E. Limington, Maine 04049
    	(207) 637-2169
    	Comments: Canoe rental/shuttle service on the Saco and Ossipee
    	Last-update: Mar 94
    USA Raft
    	Rt. 1, PO Box 384
    	Fayetteville, West Virginia 25840
    	(800) 346-RAFT
    	(304) 573-3655
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Ultimate Escapes
    	2506 West Colorado Avenue
    	Dept. S
    	Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904
    	(303) 578-8383
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Unicorn Rafting Expeditions, Inc.
    	Box 50
    	West Forks, Maine 04985
    	(207) 663-2258
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    United States Canoe and Kayak Team
    	Abbrev: USCKT
    	Indianapolis, Indiana
    	(317) 237-5690
    	(Merchandise) (800) 733-4976
    	Fax: (317) 237-5694
    	Comments: Craig Bohnert
    	Last-update: Mar 95
    Upper Yough Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 158
    	Friendsville, Maryland 21531
    	(301) 746-5808
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jan 86
    Van De Carr, Peter
    	P.O. Box 53
    	Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477
    	(303) 879-6249
    	Comments: Yampa River Festival - sent
    	Last-update: Mar 91
    Venture Yellowstone
    	Canyon Route
    	Gallatin Gateway, Montana 59730
    	(406) 995-4841
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    W.I.L.D./W.A.T.E.R.S. - Rapid Adventures
    	Rt. 28 at the Hudson River
    	Warrensburg, New York 12885
    	(800) 867-2335
    	Fax: (518) 494-7478
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Comments: outfitter, paddling school
    	Comments: head guy is Doug Azaert
    	Last-update: Jun 94
    	(summer) Sandy Inlet
    	Temagami, Ontario P0H 2H0
    	(705) 237-8830
    	(off-season) 393 Water Street, Suite 14
    	Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3L7
    	(705) 745-8314
    	Comments: outfitting, custom trips, guided trips and instructional clinics
    	Last-update: May 93
    Wanderlust Rafting
    	(303) 484-1219
    	Comments: rafting outfitter
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Washington Canoe Club
    	c/o Mimeoform Service
    	PO Box 1067
    	Beltsville, Maryland 20704
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Washington Kayak Club
    	President is now Lisa Farin
    	(206) 323-9363
    	Last-update: Jul 96
    WaterMark Adventures
    	(800) 809-6256
    	Comments: Wilderness sea kayaking and rafting in The Wood Tikchik.
    	Comments: Guide service
    	Last-update: Nov 96
    WaterShed River Sports, Inc.
    	11145 - 120th Ave NE
    	Kirkland, Washington 98033
    	(206) 828-4075
    	Comments: Inflatable sales, rental, service; and manufacturing of rowing
    	Comments: frames and inflatable kayaks.
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Wave Sports
    	PO Box 775207
    	Steamboat Springs, Colorado 80477
    	(303) 879-4371
    	Comments: kayak maker, "Lazer"
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Weisiger, Glenn
    	411 Hartung Drive
    	Wyckoff, New Jersey 07481
    	(201) 891-2390
    	Comments: Yugo Slalom
    	Comments: This address is known to be bad, 2/95
    	Last-update: Jun 92
    Wellhouse, Max
    	3410 Ridge Rd.
    	N. Little Rock, Arkansas 72116
    	(501) 758-4716
    	Comments: WHITEWAT
    ER:	 sent
    	Comments: Dierks slalom, Cossatot Reefs slalom
    	Last-update: Mar 91
    West Virginia River Adventures
    	P.O. Box 95
    	Hico, West Virginia 25854
    	(800) 950-2585
    	(304) 658-5242
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    West Virginia Rivers Coalition
    	Abbrev: WVRC
    	(304) 472-0025
    	Comments: Conservation organization
    	Last-update: Oct 94
    West Virginia Whitewater, Inc.
    	Route 1, Box 447
    	Fayetteville West Virginia 25840
    	(304) 574-0871
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    West Virginia Wildwater Association
    	c/o Smookler
    	PO Box 8413
    	Charleston, West Virginia 25303
    	Comments: paddling club
    	Last-update: Nov 93
    Western Carolina Paddlers
    	PO Box 8541
    	Asheville, North Carolina 28814
    	(704) 258-8806
    	Comments: Paddling club.  Dues are $12/yr and include 8 issues of Messing About,
    	Comments: the club's newsletter.  The club sponsors the Western Carolina Rescue
    	Comments: Rodeo (first Saturday each June) and the Papertown Slalom
    	Comments: (mid-September clinic and citizen race organized by Olympic
    	Comments: champion Scott Strausbaugh).
    	Last-update: Sep 94
    Western River Expeditions
    	7258 Racquet Club Dr.
    	Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
    	(800) 453-7450
    	(801) 942-6669 in UT
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    White Water West, Ltd.
    	2 Virginia Gardens
    	Berkeley, California 94702
    	(415) 548-0782
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Comments: formerly Wet Dreams Rafting
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Whitesell, ltd.
    	2362-R Dresden Dr.
    	Atlanta, Georgia 30341
    	(404) 325-5330
    	Comments: open canoe mfgr
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Whitewater Adventurers, Inc.
    	Box 31
    	Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania 15470
    	(412) 329-8850
    	(412) 329-5986
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Whitewater Adventures
    	PO Box 184
    	Twin Falls, Idaho 83303
    	(208) 733-4548
    	Comments: outfitter, Selway River
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Whitewater Challengers, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 8
    	White Haven, Pennsylvania 18661
    	(717) 443-9532
    	Comments: outfitter, Lehigh River
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Whitewater Connection
    	P.O. Box 270
    	Coloma, California 95613
    	(916) 622-6446
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Whitewater Excitement
    	P.O. Box 5992
    	Auburn, California  95604
    	(800) 327-2386
    	Comments: outfitter, Cal-Salmon, Kalamath, N. S. M. of the American and Merced
    	Last-update: Apr 91
    Whitewater Information, Ltd./New River Dories
    	Route 19
    	Fayetteville, West Virginia 25840
    	(800) 782-7238
    	(304) 465-0855
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Whitewater Mfg. DBA SOTAR
    	1700 SW Nebraska Avenue
    	Grants Pass, Oregon 97527
    	(541) 476-1344
    	(800) GO SOTAR
    	Last-update: Oct 96
    Whitewater Photography
    	P.O. Box 114
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(304) 574-2338
    	(800) 274-3686 for ordering only
    	Comments: Handles photography for many WV outfitters, including MRT
    	Last-update: Mar 93
    Whitewater Rafting Adventures, Inc.
    	Rt. 534, Box 88
    	Albrightsville, Pennsylvania 18210
    	(717) 722-0285
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 90
    Whitewater Specialty
    	N3894 Hwy 55
    	White Lake, Wisconsin 54491
    	(715) 882-5400
    	Comments: gear, paddling school
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Whitewater Voyages
    	P.O. Box 20400
    	El Sobrante, California 94820-0400
    	(510) 222-5994
    	Comments: rafting outfitter - CA, OR, ID, Grand Canyon
    	Last-update: Feb 93
    Whole Earth Rafting
    	P.O. Box 4
    	Terry, West Virginia 25934
    	(304) 255-6563
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Wild Water Whitewater Trips
    	P.O. Box 431
    	Suisun City, California 94585
    	(707) 425-1431
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Wildcat Valley Canoe Club
    	c/o Denny Williams
    	Kokomo, Indiana
    	(317) 453-2063
    	Comments: Family oriented club with a few whitewater boaters
    	Last-update: Jul 91
    Wilderness Rafting Expeditions
    	P.O. Box 41-P
    	Rockwood, Maine 04478
    	(207) 534-2242
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Wilderness Tours
    	P.O. Box 89
    	Beachburg, Ontario, Canada, KOJ 1C0
    	(613) 582-3351
    	(613) 582-3805
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Wilderness Voyageurs, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 97
    	Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania 15470
    	(412) 329-4752
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Wildwater Designs
    	230 Penllyn Pike
    	Penllyn, Pennsylvania 19422
    	(215) 646-5034
    	Comments: custom & stock kayaks, canoes, accessories
    	Comments: Charlie Wallbridge's store, closing 3/95
    	Last-update: Jun 94
    Wildwater Expeditions Unlimited, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 155
    	Lansing, West Virginia 25862
    	(800) WVA-RAFT
    	(304) 658-4007
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 95
    Wildwater, Inc.
    	(303) 224-3379
    	Comments: rafting outfitter
    	Last-update: Jun 91
    Wildwater, Ltd. Outdoor Adventures
    	Long Creek, South Carolina 29658
    	(803) 647-9587
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jul 86
    Woods, Greg/Heflinger, Joan
    	613 Lafayette Avenue
    	Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933
    	(317) 362-2781
    	Comments: Sugar Creek Canoe race
    	Last-update: Feb 92
    Zephyr River Expeditions, Inc.
    	P.O. Box 3607
    	Sonora, California 95370
    	(209) 532-6249
    	Comments: outfitter
    	Last-update: Jan 86
    Zoar Outdoor
    	Mohawk Trail
    	Charlemont, Massachusetts 01339
    	(800) 532-7483
    	Comments: Karen Blom, Bruce Lessels
    	Comments: Whitewater rafting, kayak instruction
    	Last-update: Mar 95

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